Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CWS & the blog creating class

     As a new student of Classic With Style University in a virtual world called SecondLife, I attended a class for writing blogs on April 11.  Though I've heard of blogging, I have never actually blogged before. I am so glad I was able to attend such an educational class on a subject I know very little about.  In our class, our teacher taught us how to write a blog in a few easy steps. 
     We start off with coming up with ideas or a theme of our blog.  Once we have done that we are to act as a reporter and make an outline of those ideas that we want to talk about in our blog. Then we need to start out with a short introduction of what the blog will be about and really get into the subject at hand. In conclusion, I just want to tell you that I look forward to starting blogs in the near future and know confidently, I will get better at blogging.  Thank you for reading.

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